Modict is an infamous kingdom on the eastern border of the Neutral Zone. Among Oban, Modict has a reputation similar to Earth's Transylvania: mysterious and sinister.
The kingdom covers of hundreds of square miles of heavy deciduous forest, with rolling hills and foggy valleys. Many parts are known to be plagued by dangerous beasts and plants, left unchecked by the military. The deep wilderness is also allegedly home to various notorious individuals and groups, including vampires, lycanthropes, inimical cultists, and renegade arcanists. According to rumors, at least some of these denizens are allies to the Modict throne.
Modict has been ruled for centuries by the Anzard dynasty: a brutal and manipulative human family that often poses as much a danger to themselves as to other nations. King Pyros Anzard was a decisive force in forming the Freelands Republic, perhaps because Modict was directly in the path of possible Imperial expansion. According to rumors, King Pyros used a combination of calling in favors, blackmail, and assassination to force some reluctant kingdoms to join the Republic.