Character Creation Guidelines

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We use Fantasy Grounds for most PC ratings (e.g., attributes, skills, AC, attacks). In addition, I use a Google Doc for each PC, to track inventory, other information, and story details.

New PCs usually start at the same level as existing PCs; check with the the DM. Create your character in Fantasy Grounds using either the Basic Rules (BR) or the Player's Handbook (PHB).

A PC is either a prime from Tessera or a planar. On Tessera, the four common races are well-represented and available: Dwarf, Elf, Halfling, Human. The uncommon races are rare but also available: Dragonborn (very rare), Gnome, Half-Elf, Half-Orc (very rare), Tiefling (very rare).

Tessera boasts several large cities, but most of the population lives in much smaller towns, villages, and hamlets. PCs can come from either an urban or rural background.

Regarding ability scores, you can use either of two methods in the rules (BR p. 7-8, PHB p. 12-13): assigning the standard scores (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, eight) or "Variant: Customizing Ability Scores."

You need to choose or randomly roll a Personality Trait, Ideal, Bond, and Flaw. You're not limited to the tables.

Regarding equipment:

  1. You get the "Equipment" listed for your class (e.g., weapon, armor, pack).
  2. You get a trinket (BR p. 54, PHP p. 160-161).
  3. You get the "Equipment" (including money) listed for your background (PHB starting p. 125).
  4. Using the money from your background, you can buy additional equipment (BR p. 47-51, PHP p. 148-154)
  5. You can sell back any unwanted equipment at 100% (BR p. 47-51, PHP p. 148-154).
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